10 Father's Day Celebrations Around The World (Slideshow)

Australia's Father's Day takes place in the first day of spring in September. The state of Victoria in southwestern Australia takes paternity especially seriously, crowning 32 fathers of the year from its 32 municipalities each year.


In Germany, Father's Day is celebrated on Christian Ascension Day, 40 days after Easter, and is referred to either as "Men's day" or "Gentlemen's day." Traditionally, men celebrate together in what is probably one of the oldest act of male bonding on the books: drinking beer and wine and pulling a wagon around town.


The small Asian nation of Nepal honors its fathers on a day known as Gokarna Aunsi. On this late August/early September Hindu holiday, sons and daughters give their fathers gifts and participate in a ceremony that involves looking them directly in the eyes. The celebration also honors recently deceased fathers.


In the Netherlands, Father's Day traditionally involves pampering your pops with breakfast in bed, and a lush family dinner. At school, kids usually craft specialized gifts for their dads.


Father's Day is a relatively new celebration in Romania: the Eastern European country became the last EU nation to have its own day for dads in 2010. A law was passed to make the holiday official after lobbying by a body called Alliance Fighting Discrimination Against Fathers, which is a thing that actually exists, apparently.


Russia celebrates Defender of the Fatherland day, a tradition leftover from the days of the USSR, that's also referred to as "Men's Day." The holiday involves parades and other celebrations of veterans, and women give gifts to men in their lives.


In Thailand, the date for Father's Day shifts depending on the birthdate of the current king (currently December 5). Traditionally, children and grandchildren gifted their male family members Canna flowers and wore yellow in celebration of masculinity. Some Thais also light a white candle in a show of reverence and support for the king.


In China, Father's Day is celebrated on August 8, because the date (8/8, roughly pronounced "ba-ba" in Mandarin) sounds similar to their word for "father." In bigger cities like Taiwan and Hong Kong, the holiday is similar to Eastern version of the holiday, making it a popular day for gifts and going out to dinner.


Father's Day is a relatively new holiday in India — it has gained steam alongside increasing Western influence on the country  as well as advertising from greeting card and other holiday-centric enterprises. Indian Father's Day is much more popular in urban areas, where picnics are a popular way to celebrate.


In Spain, as in many Christian countries, Father's Day is celebrated on St. Joseph's Day, March 19. In traditional Spanish style, the event is usually celebrated with a big family meal, and notably coincides with the huge Las Fallas festival in Valencia, Spain.