This Is What Time You Should Drink Your Coffee

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While it may seem like you need coffee to wake up first thing in the morning, it might actually be sabotaging your productivity. Two former Google tech designers have discovered the optimal time to caffeinate and to maximize on your newfound energy, but it may not be as early in the a.m. as you had hoped. Technologists Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky have found that 9:30 a.m. is the best time to have your first cup of coffee.

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"Caffeine is powerful stuff, and because it has a direct effect on your energy level, you should drink it with intention rather than on autopilot," they wrote in their new book, "Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day." So, by the time 9:30 rolls around, you'll really savor your morning cup of wakeup. Knapp and Zeratsky — both of whom were accomplished designers in the tech industry before turning to writing full-time — also discovered that coffee drinkers shouldn't wait until they're tired to have their second cup.

"The tricky thing about caffeine is that if you wait to drink it until you get tired, it's too late," they wrote. The men recommend having your second dose of caffeine 30 minutes before an anticipated crash — so a little before lunchtime, which is when most people's energy levels take a dip, according to a chart the authors shared with CNBC.

In their findings, the technologists also established that green tea and espresso should be taken in the afternoon, as these beverages deliver a lower dose of caffeine. They also recommended experimenting with finding a time to have your last cup of coffee, as the half-life of caffeine is five to six hours long. That means the later in the day that you drink it, the later into the evening you will stay awake.

Looking for a new place to fuel? Check out the best coffee shop in every state.