What Is Chia Juice And Should You Drink It? (Slideshow)

I use one cup of coconut water — which adds much-needed electrolytes after a workout — but you can opt for plain water. 

Click here for the Fresca Chia Recipe

Fruta Chia

You can make Fruta Chia in a whole-juice juicer or powerful blender. This combination of fresh fruits, vegetables, and chia seeds is sure to give you a mid-day or morning energy boost.  

Click here for the Fruta Chia Recipe

Bella Chia

Combine the powers of pomegranate, acai, and chia? You've got a superfood league in a glass! 

Click here for the Bella Chia Recipe

Chia Kombucha

Kombucha tea can boost your immune system. Combine this with the power of chia seeds and you've got a power-packed, energy-boosting drink.

Click here for the Chia Kombucha Recipe

Mango Chia Smoothie

This is a great beginner's drink to start incorporating healthful chia into your diet. Flavorful, fresh, and delicious.

Click here for the Mango Chia Smoothie Recipe

Sneaky Spinach Chia Smoothie

Trying to find more ways to incorporate healthy greens into your diet? Sneak a little spinach into your smoothie — the fruits are so balanced, you won't even notice that the spinach is there.

Click here for the Sneaky Spinach Chia Smoothie Recipe

Raspberry-Chocolate Chia Smoothie

Okay, will this smoothie completely satisfy your overwhelming desire for a pint of Ben and Jerry's? Nope. But if you're endeavoring to eat healthily, it can definitely help — this smoothie is delicious, fresh, and just sweet enough to curb your cravings. 

Click here for the Raspberry-Chocolate Chia Smoothie Recipe

Grapefruit-Basil Chia Smoothie

A perfect flavor pairing plus the bottomless health benefits of chia.

Click here for the Grapefruit-Basil Chia Smoothie Recipe