10 Best Things To Eat And Drink If You Do Pilates

Although you should do your best to avoid most sports drinks, which are often filled with added sugars, make sure to drink lots of water; 8 to 10 glasses a day is ideal for those who are dedicated Pilates practitioners. 

Skip Juices

Instead, choose actual fruit, which will give you added fiber. Guava tops the fiber chart with nine grams per serving, but raspberries provide a respectable eight.

Smart Start

Yogurt is already a popular option with many health-conscious consumers. Add some sliced strawberries or apples to keep you hydrated.  

Snack Wisely

Trail mix is a great choice. Think raisins and pecans, not pretzels and chocolate. Add pumpkin seeds, dried apricots, or even granola, but make sure to limit yourself to ¼ of a cup at a time. It's easy to go overboard when snacking! 

Fresh Toast

Whole wheat toast with peanut or almond butter can work as a snack or as a meal by adding some banana slices and a side of veggies. 

Dip It

Rich in protein, hummus will keep you feeling full, and may have benefits like lowering cholesterol and reducing your risk of cancer. With flavors from jalapeño and lime to spinach and feta, you should have no problem finding one to suit your mood.

Protein Boost

Chef and Pilates instructor at New York's Uptown Pilates, Vehia Walker, highly recommends eggs: "The protein keeps me full and gives me energy." Poach them in water or hard-boil half a dozen on Monday to eat throughout the week.

Balance Your Meals

Poached salmon with asparagus or baked chicken with sweet potatoes are meal options that combine protein for muscles and carbohydrates for energy. 

On-the-Go Options

For the time-conscious, Walker recommends a green smoothie: "It's a nice balance of good fats and sugars. There's one I like with almond butter, almond milk, banana, and spinach." 

Evening Wine-Down

Finally, Walker says that wine is fine for those with a passion for Pilates, especially red. "Red wine is great. It even has some antioxidant benefits. Just try to keep it to two glasses."