Dirt Candy's Vegetarian Carrot Bun Slideshow

Chef Amanda Cohen juicing carrots.

Carrot Pulp and Juice

Preparing the juice for the dough.

Pouring in the Carrot Juice

Chef Cohen pours the carrot juice into the Cuisinart with the dough.

Sticky Dough

Chef Cohen playing with the sticky carrot dough.

Dough Resting

Like Cohen, you can write down the time one hour from when you placed the dough in the bowl onto the plastic wrap. (A trick that comes in handy when you've got a lot going on in the kitchen or forget to set a timer). 

Roasted Carrots for Filling

The crispy, yet tender, roasted carrots right out of the oven. 

Carrot, Cucumber and Scallion Mixture

The roasted carrots, scallions and cucumbers mixture waiting in a bowl as Chef Cohen gets ready to finish making the bun filling. 

Finished Filling

The finished filling mixture before it gets scooped into the buns. 

Folded, Uncooked Buns

The folded buns on the parchment paper waiting to be steamed. 

Steaming the Buns

Chef Cohen steaming the buns in batches.

Final Dish

The final dish of Barbecued Rainbow Carrot Buns served with a Carrot-Hoisin Reduction Sauce and White Carrot Salad.