Growing Your Own Herbs At Home

Often times you are so focused on getting the right amount of ingredients in your dishes that it is likely you forget about adding some finishing touches in the form of spices and herbs. And if you are a cooking enthusiast, you know how important those can be – there is nothing quite like feeling the smell of fresh herbs to top off the delicious aroma of a still hot dish. There is nothing better than growing your own spices and herbs in order to avoid those last-minute trips to the supermarket to get mere dried substitutes. If you think you lack the gardening skills needed for this, you shouldn't worry: the endeavour is easy enough and you can see the benefits of it in no time at all if you devote just a little effort and time. Consider the following tips for garden maintenance and you will soon have enough herbs to satisfy your flavor buds. – Decide what your garden will feature – you know what herbs you use the most, so definitely consider growing those for your garden. You don't really have to plant a lot of plants, since that will make caring for them too difficult. Focus on few types you are regularly using and when you feel comfortable enough with your gardening skills, you can expand. – Decide where to plant – perhaps it is a good idea to consider growing herbs indoors, since that will protect them from pests, weeds and outdoor elements. On the other hand, every gardening enthusiast knows that plants require sunlight. If you cannot provide a space in your room with at least 5 hours of direct sunlight, it is best it you take your herbs outside. Consider getting containers to protect them. – Seeds vs seedlings – normally, seedlings are young plants that you can transplant early in the spring and summer. They are mostly available during these seasons, and you can acquire them from gardening experts. If you choose the more budget-friendly alternative of seeds, you have to be prepared to allow them enough time to grow. – Get your gardening tools ready – it is not that difficult to plant herbs: you will need a spade or small shovel and pots or containers, in case you are not planting directly into the ground. Now would be a good time to use some compost to fertilize the soil. If you don't have a compost pile at home, you can buy a compost solution from the store. – Plant and care for your herbs – after you plant the seeds or transplant the seedlings into the ground, you have to provide adequate care for them: water them at least once per week, be mindful about weeds and provide protection from pests. – Time for harvest and using – the most pleasurable time is when you can finally pick the herbs you have worked so hard to grow. You can either enjoy them fresh, or you can freeze them for future use. Growing your own herbs is not so difficult. All it takes is some gardening enthusiasm on your side and soon enough you will reap the benefits of freshly picked herbs. For more garden maintenance or landscape design ideas click here.