Craving A Snack? Eat Healthy!

There are times when eating a snack is an irresistible urge. But instead of reaching for a candy bar or a bag of potato chips, there are some things that are tasty and nutritious, without empty calories. Here are a few suggestions for snacks that you don't have to cook or fix, and are easy to keep on hand. Many kinds of fresh fruit make a great snack. Most are naturally sweet and juicy, and have a lot of vitamins and other nutrients that your body needs, without adding a lot of calories. There are so many different kinds, even in the winter, that you'll never get bored with their taste. Trim the rind off of a melon and cut it into bite-size pieces. They will keep in the refrigerator for several days in an air-tight container, and will be convenient when you want something to nibble on. Low-fat yogurt is available in a variety of flavors, although plain yogurt is considered to be the most wholesome. If you want it to have a little sweetness, fruit-filled yogurt is delicious, but adds some calories because of the sugar content. Your own fresh fruit can be added instead. A healthier yogurt made from organic milk is gaining in popularity, and is available in many sizes and flavors. Unopened, it will stay fresh in the refrigerator for about one week past the expiration date. Raisins have natural sugars that make them a great energy food. They also have a lot of potassium and little sodium, so they make a good heart-healthy snack, and are rich in fiber and other nutrients. To keep them fresh and moist, store them in the refrigerator in an airtight container. If they get dried out, you can plump them in a little warm water. They will taste the best if eaten within six months. Peanut Butter is one of the world's most popular snack foods, but some people avoid it because it contains a lot of fat. You will be glad to know that 80% of the fat is monounsaturated, a good kind of fat that helps to lower cholesterol and reduce risk of heart disease. On top of that, it is high in protein and fiber, making it a snack that is satisfying and makes you feel full until dinner. So dip your spoon into the jar, or spread some on a piece of apple and enjoy! Nuts are also high in monounsaturated fats, and are a good source of protein and minerals. Contrary to popular opinion, all nuts are healthy, but almonds are especially so, being high in vitamin E. A handful of nuts can satisfy a sudden craving and make you feel full. Popcorn, 98% fat-free, with no butter and salt, is very healthy. To make it more interesting, spray lightly with margarine and sprinkle dry taco seasoning mix, parmesan cheese, or your favorite spices and herbs over the popcorn and mix well. Spices don't add calories, so you can eat as much as you want. Olives are a very good source of monounsaturated fat, iron, vitamin E, copper, and fiber. But they are also high in sodium, so should be eaten in moderation. It is considered to be healthy to eat a serving of eight large black olives or ten stuffed green ones. When buying these delectable little fruits, look for those that have been cured the traditional way rather than in lye, as they are healthier. Whole-grain cereals are a healthy snack and are easy to have on hand. Besides being tasty, they have fiber and are very nutritious. Baby carrots don't have to be peeled, and can be kept in an air-tight container in the refrigerator for quick access. They can be dipped in a low-cal dressing or yogurt to add more taste.