Anthony Bourdain Will Be Honored Alongside Annie Leibovitz

Anthony Bourdain and Annie Leibovitz aren't exactly two names we'd imagine to go hand-in-hand, but this year the CLIO awards is honoring both the TV personality and the highbrow photographer.

The two talents were chosen for their "outstanding bodies of work," the press release reads. "Annie Leibovitz and Anthony Bourdain work in two very different fields, but share two common threads between them: their boundless creativity and their usage of their respective mediums to affect the way people think," CLIO director Karl Vontz said.

As for the reasons behind Bourdain's award, "Anthony has introduced millions of taste buds to new culinary experiences and dared people to be more adventurous diners," Vontz said. Bourdain and Leibovitz will be presented with the awards on May 15, and Joan Rivers will host. Rivers and Bourdain on stage at the same time? We can hardly wait.

This morning, Bourdain also met Magic Johnson on CBS This Morning, so the food world's bad boy is doing pretty well for himself.