Your Holiday Meal Wrecks Your 'Food Clock' And More News

The Daily Meal brings you the biggest news from the food world.

Excess Eating Affects Inner Clock: Looks like our gluttonous holiday feasts (and constant sweets) might actually change our bodies' clocks, where eating at the "wrong" time of day could be a cause of obesity. Oops. [Science Daily]

Historic 1795 Mansion of McDonald's: And here is a McDonald's set to open in New Hyde Park, N.Y., in a historic 1795 mansion known as the Denton House. [Foodbeast]

Oregano, the Organic Antibiotic? Chicken farm Bell & Evans have been feeding their chickens a mixture of oregano oil and cinnamon, swearing it wards of diseases. [NY Times]

7-Eleven Revamp: The convenience store is still continuing it's healthy shift (having introduced Slurpee Lite in the past) by phasing in healthy food options for specific markets. [NY Times]