Wynkoop's Newest Beer: Rocky Mountain Oyster... Stout

While we recover from the pranks of yesterday, we couldn't help but giggle again at a beloved Denver brewery's practical joke: a Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout.

In a faux press video for the site, Wynkoop Brewing Company released a new "style" of beer that combines one of their brews with another Colorado legend, bull testicles, aka Rocky Mountain oysters. With a straight face, a brewmaster said (while holding a real bull testicle — that takes guts), "Fried bull testicles, or Rocky Mountain oysters, are a Colorado favorite... This makes them the perfect ingredient to showcase a new style of beer we created which really pays tribute to one of Colorado's culinary jewels."

From the video, it looks like the brewers really did add in bull testicles to a kettle. Now we just wonder whether they were brave enough to try their own concoction. It must have had a... nutty taste.