What The Cookies You Leave Santa Say About You

As Christmas Eve approaches, the fruits of your holiday labor are about to be reaped. The tree is a work of art and your gingerbread house looks so good you wish you could live in it yourself. The presents are wrapped, the ham is ready to cook and of course your holiday baking is finally coming to a close. After slaving over an oven all December long, you are ready to share your confections with the world and are particularly excited about leaving some for Santa himself. After working so hard all season long, you are confident that the cookies you left for him are absolutely perfect. And considering that you probably got all of your recipes from The Daily Meal, we definitely do not doubt your serious baking skills. However, are you sure that your cookie plate is sending the right message?

Click here to see the What the Cookies You Leave Santa Say About You (slideshow)

After literally traveling the world all evening long, Santa has had the opportunity to sample and see a large variety of cookie platters. Not to put too much pressure on you, but the man is bouncing around the globe to bring your little one(s) the best Christmas he can, you owe it to him to not only give him some stellar sweets but to show him that you care. You can accomplish this easily, so long as you know what the cookies you are leaving him say about you.

If you leave a cookie plate of boring biscottis, how do you think Santa is going to feel? By selecting options like chocolate chip or snickerdoodle, you are totally telling Santa that you love and appreciate him– but a few wrong selections and you could be sending the complete wrong message. To make sure that Santa is satisfied, and you come out glowing brighter than the star tree-topper, check out which cookies you leave for Santa say about you!