VIDEO: A-Z Food Hits Up Denmark

About A-Z Food: In this video series, Alastair Humphreys and Tom Kevill-Davies eat around London to find one restaurant from a nation for each letter of the alphabet. Check out A-Z Food: Cambodia here.

In the fourth installment of the A-Z Food series, Humphreys and Kevill-Davies explore the wonders of Scandinavian food at Madsen, an upscale restaurant in South Kensington. The explorers discover there's more to Scandinavian and Danish cuisine than herring, dill, and meatballs, ordering a version of the Danish open sandwich mørrebrø, plus a herring platter, meatballs, and a breaded fillet of plaice with smoked salmon, prawns, rose, and hollandaise sauce.

Read the full review over on A-Z Food's website.


More From A-Z Food:

• A: Afghanistan

• B: Bolivia

• C: Cambodia