Ultherapy Is Less Invasive Than A Facelift, Offers Promising Results

There are numerous products, procedures and treatments available to all of us out there looking to drink from the fountain of youth; potent topical serums, derma-fillers or injections and surgery have all been helpful to those who desire to look more youthful. However, there is a certain aging flaw that cannot be fixed with these methods, and going under the knife can be an extreme step that some would rather avoid. That aging flaw is the slacking skin that we commonly equate to requiring a surgical face-lift. Ulthera offers a revolutionary solution to help this problematic sagging skin. "Ultherapy is a non-surgical treatment for the face and neck that uses ultrasound to actually lift and tone loose or sagging skin without downtime," boasts Ulthera, maker of the only FDA approved procedure to "lift skin on the neck, on the brow and under the chin." For many women, it has become the go-to treatment before, or even in place of, surgical face-lifts.