UD Spoon Takes Whole Foods

Recently, the Spoon UD team got the awesome opportunity to visit our local Whole Foods for a private demo. We met Kristen, the in-house healthy eating specialist. She talked to us about tricks to staying healthy while navigating a busy college lifestyle and making sense of the high fructose corn syrup world. "I've been in college twice" she explained, "the hardest thing was having a healthy snack on hand. If there were chips around, I was going to eat them." Her solution? "Batch cook and have something quickly available that you enjoy eating. Always bring tupperware on busy days!"

Photo by Caroline Grew

Photo by Caroline Grew 

Photo by Caroline Grew

Photo by Caroline Grew 

Kristen also told us how to get the most bang for our buck while still enjoying really healthy food. She suggested to focusing on super flavorful foods. An easy way to do this is to pick a few favorite spices and buy them in Whole Foods' bulk area. The team learned how to make coconut curry pumpkin soup and devoured it once it was all made. Kristen advised us that soup is always a great option to make because it is usually cheap, hard to mess up and can pack both health benefits and flavor. Music to a college student's ears.

Photo by Caroline Grew

Photo by Caroline Grew



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