9 Ways To Drink Coffee Around The World (Slideshow)

Yuanyang — China

This beverage is popular in many parts of China, especially Hong Kong, and is a mixture of three parts of coffee and seven parts of Hong Kong-style milk tea. While initially only served by vendors and in street cafés, it's now also served in many restaurants.

Café Touba — Senegal

This ground coffee is flavored with grains of selim (Guinea pepper) and cloves. The pepper is specially imported to Senegal from Côte d'Ivoire and Gabon, mixed in with other spices, and roasted with the coffee beans and ground intro powder to give it a distinctive flavor. The drink used to only be consumed during ceremonies and commemorations but is now widely enjoyed by many.

Cortado — Spain/ Portugal/ Columbia

A cortado is an espresso cut with a little warm milk (literally "cortar" in Spanish means "to cut"). It is very similar to the Italian caffé macchiato where a dash of steamed milk is used to cut the espresso. In the U.S., the same drink is sometimes called a Gibraltar (the term was coined by coffee shops in San Francisco and California). In Cuba it's called a "cortadito" and there are several different versions including one with condensed milk and cream on the top. 

Wiener Melange — Austria

This specialty coffee, which means Viennese Blend in German, is very similar to a cappuccino. It is customarily served as a double espresso shot in a large coffee cup that is topped with steaming milk and milk foam. Other versions involved adding an egg yolk topped with two sugars to the double espresso before adding whipped cream. 

Café de Olla — Mexico

Literally translated as "pot coffee," this is traditionally prepared in beautifully artisanal clay pots which give the drink a distinctly warm, earthy flavor. Cinnamon and piloncillo (which is a customary sugarcane candy) are added for that extra kick and to sweeten the drink.

Kopi Susu Panas — Malaysia

The British introduced coffee to Malaysia in the early 19th century but the style here is to serve it thick and sweet. One part condensed milk is poured into the cup first. Very strong ground and brewed coffee is added after. The coffee steeps into the condensed milk, thickening up the whole drink. When you're ready to drink it you just give it a quick final stir.

Turkish Coffee — Turkey

This small yet powerful coffee packs a punch — roasted and finely ground coffee beans are boiled in a tiny pot called a cezve (traditionally made from copper) and usually prepared with sugar. It's poured straight into a little cup and served hot, though you only drink it after the grounds have settled at the bottom of the cup. The tradition goes back to the Ottoman settlers in Arabia during the early 17th century and the drink was so popular that the method of preparation has changed little since that time.

Indian Filter Coffee — India

Also known as "kaapi" (and pronounced with a long "A" sound, like k-ah-pi), south Indian sweet, milky coffee made from dark roasted coffee and chicory is brewed in a metal container with two circular cups. During the process, the coffee grounds are compressed and brewed, resulting in a stronger product than most western-style "drip coffees." The complete drink is also one part milk to the one part brewed coffee plus sugar is added. 

Espresso Romano — Italy

Coffee is serious business in Italy, especially in Rome where espresso is king. There are many distinct versions of espresso drinks, this one is a shot of espresso with a slice of lemon served either on the side and sometimes run along the rim of the glass. The tart, lemony aspect highlights the sweetness of the espresso so that sugar is not required.