Taco Bell Is Testing A Waffle Taco

There aren't enough exclamation points in the world to punctuate this sentence: Taco Bell is testing a waffle taco! No, seriously. 

Flush off the success of the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos taco shell, Taco Bell opted not to rest on its laurels. No, not Taco Bell. Taco Bell strides ever forward, looking for new things to turn into taco shells. This time, apparently, it's a waffle.

The waffle taco has been spotted on the breakfast menu of at least one Southern California Taco Bell location in Newport Beach, where it was captured by Instagram user Sarah Chavez. Foodbeast found another one in Santa Ana, Calif.

The breakfast of the future appears to be an Eggo-esque waffle folded into a shape approximating that of a hard taco shell. It's lined with a sausage patty — also folded into a taco shape — then filled with scrambled eggs. It comes with a packet of syrup.

Chavez actually bought the in-test menu item, which is listed at $0.89. Though her Instagram followers expressed some disbelief at the sight of the new breakfast item, Chavez was quick to defend it. 

"Don't hate ... It was awesome!" she said.