South Korean Seafood Scare

Safety concerns over South Korean seafood have caused the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to urge the removal of the products from national food retail stores across the U.S. The FDA announced Thursday that oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops may have come in contact with human fecal matter and could potentially be contaminated with the norovirus, according to Reuters.

At least four people in the U.S. have contracted the norovirus which causes nausea, diarrhea and vomiting after being exposed to South Korean seafood since last October, according to the FDA. Fresh, canned and processed seafood from South Korea that contains molluscan shellfish that entered the U.S. before May 1 are included in the recommended recall.

Concerns over the sanitation and possible pollution of the water in which the seafood is raised sparked the FDA to urge the removal of the products from national markets.

The agency is encouraging consumers to check product labels and contact their suppliers if they are concerned the products they have purchased may be involved in the recall.