All-Star Turkey Cheddar Melt

All-Star Turkey Cheddar Melt
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Amy Scherber and chef Galen Zamarra create a show-stopping turkey Cheddar melt using mayonnaise, spicy jam, and other delicious ingredients.Click here for the All-Star Turkey Cheddar Melt video.
  • challah roll, such as amy’s bread whole wheat challah sandwich roll
  • mayo, such as empire mayo, to taste
  • roast turkey, sliced thin
  • tomato, sliced, tossed with vinaigrette dressing, salt, and pepper
  • fresh spinach leaves
  • roasted red onion slices
  • vermont sharp cheddar, sliced
  • raspberry jalapeño jam, to taste
  1. Slice open the sandwich roll. Spread mayo on the bottom of the roll, top with sliced turkey, sliced (dressed) tomato, raw spinach leaves, roasted red onion slice, and finally sharp Cheddar cheese slice. Spread raspberry jalapeño jam from Jam Stand on the other half of the sandwich roll. Close. Grill in sandwich press. Taste and enjoy!