'Real Housewives' Ramona Singer Launches New Red Wine

What, you didn't think famed Real Housewife of New York Ramona Singer would be drinking pinot grigio forever, did you? Now, the reality star turned vintner has announced a new red wine to accompany her pinot grigio.

Singer's newest wine is a red wine, a sangiovese-merlot blend, according to a press release. Produced in Tuscany, the red wine is "fruity and tart in flavor," with cherry fruits and spicy oak as a back note. Said Singer in the release, "My favorite thing about Ramona Pinot is how easy to drink and smooth it is. It was important to me that the same happen for Ramona Red. The addition of the Merlot to the Sangiovese base brought great balance and achieved the smoothness and lightness I was looking for in my red wine."

You can find the Ramona Red in stores starting in October, for $15. It's no surprise Singer is jumping further into the wine business, with her pinot grigio sales holding strong from Opici Wines. She told the Daily Beast in August that she liked exploring new wines. "And by doing this [pinot grigio] wine, I'm learning more and more about wines. That's what I like about the wine world, is that I'm being educated to more different types of wine from different countries," she said to the Daily Beast.