Quick Meal Ideas Before Trick-Or-Treating

There isn't much we don't love about Halloween. The décor, the costumes, and the candy — it all makes for a great time with your kids. But getting ready for a night of playful debauchery isn't easy, especially on a week night. "Halloween ranks among the top five pizza sales days," shared Missy Chase Lapine, creator of the Sneaky Chef. "Probably because we are in a rush to get the kids out the door to go trick-or-treating and want to fill their tummies with a fast, non-sugary dinner!"

But ordering out for pizza isn't exactly a healthy choice. Rather than succumbing to fast food or letting the little ones slip out the door and into a candied frenzy, try some of the Sneaky Chef's tips and recipes to let the Halloween fun get started on time!

Sneaky Pizza
Pizza can still be fast and fun before Halloween, and with a few Sneaky Swaps and tricks, you can make it a nutritious dinner:
— Make a fast pizza at home using a whole-grain store-bought crust or a whole-grain pocket-less pita or even naan bread for a smaller pie.
— Swap out full-fat mozzarella for part-skim.
— Mix in some carrot and sweet potato purée into the pizza sauce (baby food will work if you don't have time for homemade purée, or use Sneaky Chef Smooth Red Pasta Sauce with eight hidden vegetables.

Have Fun with Fondue

The kids will love gathering around the table in their cute costumes to grab a bite before they head out.  Fondue is a great option for eager little figures: not only is it fun to dip on their own, they'll be too excited about the taste to realize the candy they are missing out on.

Click here for a Cheese Fun-Do Recipe:

Don't Fear the Dip

If you don't have time to even bake the quick version of whole pizza, don't fret.  When you're moving fast, finger food always does the trick. The word "dip" shouldn't fool you; this dairy-packed, high-protein fun dish is a nutritionally sound mini-meal!

Click here for the Pita Triangles with Cheesy Pizza Dip Recipe