Prince Charles Address The Issues With Food Production

Prince Charles of Wales visited Langenburg Castle in Baden-Württemberg, Germany yesterday to speak at the Forum on Regional Food Security. In his speech, the Prince addressed issues with food production, including the horsemeat scandal, blaming the mistakes in production on "worrying shortcuts" and an "aggressive search for cheaper food." Though health concerns trumped his speech, Prince Charles focused on the socio-economic destruction that the profit-hungry companies have on both the youth today, as well, and then those in the future.

He went on the question why the prices of production in such a lethal, expensive manner, were so cheap to purchase, explaining that the only way that this could be paid off was by "A cost that then has to be paid for over and over again elsewhere – chiefly, in all probability, by our unfortunate children and grandchildren," the Guardian reported. The same youth that are being affected by these cheapened means of production are straying away from the agricultural profession, "...the fact remains that at the moment the average age of British farmers is 58, and rising." With heightened social risks like diabetes and obesity, the Prince worries for the UK and the US, that they might not be able to salvage domestic agricultural production in the future.