Pericles' Wine Cup Believed To Be Found In Athens

Athens is known to be one of the more historic places travelers can visit, and it just became all the more historical.

A cup believed to have been used by Classical Greek statesman Pericles has been found in a pauper's grave in north Athens, according to local reports Wednesday.

The wine cup was found in several broken pieces during construction work in a northern Athens suburb. Archaeologists have since pieced the cup back together, and in doing so were astounded to find the name "Pericles" scratched under one of the handles of the cup. In addition to Pericles' name were five other names, among them the name Ariphron, which was the name of Pericles' older brother.

Experts are "99 percent" sure that the cup was used by the Athenian statesman as they credit Ariphron's name to being an unusual name, leading to them reason that it must be Pericles' wine glass. 

General of Athens during the city's Golden Age, Pericles died of the plague in 429 B.C.E. during a Spartan siege.