Outrageous Pie Roundup

As you know, we're coming up on the biggest pie holiday of the year — Thanksgiving. And while we've shown you the ropes in the Ultimate Guide to Pie and have talked to pie experts, we were thinking, what if you just want to gift a pie?

Take a gander at a few of our favorite slices.

If you don't have the time to put an apron on and get flour in your hair, it's all right to give the gift of a baker's pie, so here's a look at some fantastic pies around town. 

From New York to Los Angeles and a few stops in between, we have everything from s'mores pie to full-blown turkey stuffed pie. These days, pies aren't just limited to your go-to flavors like apple, cherry, and pecan.

Oh no, no, no — there is more on the horizon for what's inside that flaky crust.