Ottavia Bourdain's Shake Shack And Bad Steak Diet, And More News

The Daily Meal brings you the biggest news in the food world.

• With the lobster haul bringing in record numbers this year, prices are dirt cheap while lobstermen are practically losing money. [NPR]

• McDonald's is reportedly testing blueberry pomegranate smoothies in Michigan. [Michigan Live]

• Wylie Dufresne's new tasting menu gets a rave, proving it's still kind of a big deal. [Village Voice]

• Looks like more California restaurants are tiptoeing around the foie gras ban, while PETA promises protests. Nothing ever changes. [ABC]

Chefs and Personalities
• Ottavia Bourdain shares her everyday eating with Grub Street, complaining about subpar free food (notably called getting "food f*cked.") Oh, it's tough to be married to Anthony Bourdain. [Grub Street]

• Mark Bittman got a cookbook and diet book deal, called VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00 to Lose Weight and Restore Your Health...for Good, out March 19, 2013. [Eater]

Food Media
• New food channel "Tasted" has launched on YouTube, with videos from the gals behind Four & Twenty Blackbirds, as well as Top Chef's Dale Talde. [YouTube/Tasted]

Jessica Chou is an associate editor at The Daily Meal. Follow her on Twitter @jesschou.