Omakase Heaven In Boston — No Hyperbole

"'O Ya' is a Japanese expression of curiosity," former restaurant critic Frank Bruni noted years ago after visiting the restaurant and trying to decide whether he was more in love with it or the West Coast vegetable-centric restaurant with yoga studio, Ubuntu. And if you could see yourself while eating there, or if you're just observing your dining companion's expressions, you'd understand its inspiration: "I'm in Boston? This place isn't run by someone Japanese? And I'm falling over myself, plate after plate? And I think I'm a sushi snob?"

Yes, you're in Boston. And you're fortunate to be there eating the tasting menu at O Ya. Partially seared fish. Delicately beautiful eel. High quality fish — all gorgeously prepared. So good. One of the best meals I ate all year.

Click for more of the Most Memorable Meals of 2011.