China Will Be The First Nation To Produce Millions Of Cloned Beef Cattle

Nearly 20 years after Dolly the sheep was cloned, we still have not created a method for consistent industrial cloning of large mammals. However, China has announced that next year, thanks to China's Boyalife Group and South Korea's Sooam Biotech, they will be building a cloning center in Tianjin next year to produce millions of cloned beef cattle and keep up with both domestic and export demands.

The facility will cost approximately $500 million to run and will be capable of producing up to one million cattle embryos annually, with a goal of supplying the country with five percent of its beef, according to Manufacturing News.

"I call tell you all that cloned beef is the tastiest beef I have ever had," Boyalife CEO Xu Xiaochun told reporters last week. Xiaochun also said that the cloned beef would taste exactly like the original cattle.

The European Union banned the cloning of livestock earlier this fall due to animal welfare concerns.

Boyalife has hinted that they don't plan on stopping at cloning cattle. The technology to clone humans, says Xiaochun, is already there.