Diets Rich In Butter, Cream, And Cheese Are Good For You, New Study Says

We've known for a while that sugar is the culprit of many unhealthy diets — not fats as many would have led us to believe. In fact, unsaturated fats like omega-3 in fish and olive oil can be very healthy. But a new study goes even further to suggest that consuming saturated fats like cheese, cream, and butter are actually the key to losing weight and warding off diseases like diabetes.

The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that overweight middle-aged men who consumed a diet rich in saturated fats (commonly associated with weight gain and heart issues) and low in carbohydrates produced the highest weight loss results. The men found that they were slimmer and that their overall glucose and cholesterol levels were reduced.

"There is a tremendous focus on avoiding high-fat foods for weight control but this study challenges the notion that saturated fats have a strongly negative impact on health and weight," Dr. Simon Dankel, associate professor at the University of Bergen in Norway, said in a statement, according to The Daily Mail.