Teenager Forced To Live In The Woods As Punishment For Eating A Pop-Tart

A 14-year-old girl was forced to live alone in the woods as punishment for eating a Pop-Tart without her parents' permission, according to the Sumter County Sheriff's Office.

By the time authorities showed up to arrest her parents, the girl had allegedly been barred from coming home for two days, and was under orders to stay away for the rest of the week.

The girl was reportedly made to live in a tent with no provisions except a roll of toilet paper, a watch, a whistle, and a flashlight. In order to get food each day, the girl was told to meet a family member at specific times during the day at a fence on the couple's property. One afternoon, the girl's brother reportedly brought her SpaghettiOs.

The couple, James and Crystal Driggers, are bodybuilders who run their own home fitness program complete with workout DVDs and a meal plan, according to The Daily Beast.

The Driggers are currently under investigation for their pattern of "excessive punishment for small household offenses." Police have charged the couple with unlawful neglect of a child, and other charges may be filed as the investigation continues.