Someone Made An In-N-Out Burger Pie With A French Fry Crust And Our Arteries Exploded

Californians will argue that there is absolutely no way to further improve an In-N-Out burger and fries (particularly when slathered in Animal Style Sauce), but the innovators over at Foodbeast beg to differ.  Behold the In-N-Out pie: a veritable cheesy and beefy monstrosity made out of three In-N-Out cheeseburgers and topped with a crispy French fry "crust."

So how does one transform an In-N-Out burger into a pie that your grandmother would probably faint from horror at the sight of? Foodbeast reporter Elie Ayrouth first layered pre-made dough on a pie pan, then slathered it in Animal Style Sauce and a coating of French fries. Then, he divided three burgers into bite-sized cubes and laid them end to end.

To create a binding agent, he whipped up a batter of beaten eggs and half and half and poured it over the burgers. That was baked for 30 minutes, and then taken out of the oven to add — what else? —another layer of cheese, onions, and a mountain of French fries to complete the top crust.

Watch the video below for more details on how to attempt this glorious artery-hardening agent yourself.