Millennials Prefer Following Recipes On Their Smartphones And Tablets Over Printing Them Out

Millennials may use their mobile devices to text, video chat, and flood social media, but they also use them while cooking.

A study from Google found that 59 percent of adults ages 25 to 34 said that they use their phones and tablets to help them cook, while people over 35 years old are more inclined to print out a recipe.

The research was undertaken by Google along with advertising agency McGarryBowen and Kraft Foods, who found that millennials are cooking more and experimenting with recipes and new skills. Using a tablet or smartphone allows them to look up anything they need help with. YouTube videos provide a visual step-by-step guide to, for instance, cutting a pineapple. Playlists like this one of "Food Life Hacks" are also popular.

Research also showed that millennials turn to Google to search what to cook for dinner, using search terms such as "dinner ideas," "healthy recipes," and "slow-cooker recipes." The term "best recipes" is up 48 percent this year on YouTube.