Marshawn Lynch Finally Talks To Media In Press Conference For Skittles (About Cat Videos And Rainbows)

After months of some pretty hilarious evasive maneuvers from Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch, in which he made it clear that he had no interest engaging in the traditional post-game rapport (the "yeah" heard 'round the world), the elusive Lynch has finally acquiesced to a press conference... to talk about Skittles and whether he prefers cats or dogs.

Finally, Lynch is getting asked questions that he doesn't mind answering, like what mode of transportation he would choose to arrive on the field (a blimp), whether he prefers to watch cat videos or dog videos (cats), and whether he thinks it would be easier or harder to play football on the moon (easier).

Lynch even shares a few Skittles with the reporters to thank them for asking questions he likes for a change, and clarifies what it's like to be in beastmode ("you don't feel 'in beastmode,' it feels you").

Watch the full Skittles press conference below: