Cook With Cannabis At New Jersey's Cannabi Kitchen

A new business is launching in Southern New Jersey, and it's catering to medical marijuana patients looking to learn how to make everything from cannabis-infused chocolate to banana walnut muffins.

The cannabis cooking classes require two things: a photo ID issued by the New Jersey Department of Health Medicinal Marijuana Program and one-eighth of an ounce of cannabis in a sealed, unbroken container from one of the state's licensed dispensaries, reported.

However, the classes aren't for everyone — Cannabi Kitchen will have a strict policy to host qualifying medical marijuana users only.

"The classes are strictly for medical-marijuana patients — definitely not for people who might want to walk in," Amador told

The classes will start in May at the New Jersey Alternative Medicine clinic, which is overseen by pain management neurologist Andrew Medvedovsky. According to Medvedovsky, many of his medical marijuana patients use cannabis for muscle spasms, neurological disorders, and pain.

Each of the three-hour classes, which are expected to be held on a monthly basis, will cost $50.

To read about how pet parents are using cannabis to treat sick animals, click here.