This Burger-Flipping Robot Could Be Taking Over Fast-Food Jobs

With the influx of robots that do everything from cooking you a homemade meal to pouring you a beer, it's only a matter of time before restaurant industry employees are completely out of work. Meet Flippy — the burger-flipping robot that never demands higher wages and makes a perfectly cooked burger every time. Flippy was developed by Miso Robotics and just made its debut at a Pasadena CaliBurger. If all goes well, you could start seeing more of Flippy at fast-food chains and restaurants around the world.

"Our proprietary AI software allows our kitchen assistants to be adaptable and therefore can be trained to help with almost any dull, dirty, or dangerous task in a commercial kitchen — whether it's frying chicken, cutting vegetables, or final plating," Miso Robotics said in a statement.

So how does it work? Miso Robotics says that the robot arms use heat-sensing technology to determine if the meat is cooked and ready to be flipped. But don't worry, the burger still needs human hands to put the finishing touches on the product, so your jobs may be safe for now. At CaliBurger the displaced kitchen staff members have been redirected to the front of the house to engage more with customers, according to Pasadena Star News.