4-Year-Old Reviews $295 Menu At The French Laundry

The newest trend in the food world? Treating young kids to extremely fancy dinners at well-known restaurants, and watching the hilariously adorable results. The latest review comes from 4-year-old Lyla Hogan, who was treated to the five-hour, $295 tasting menu at The French Laundry by the Bold Italic,and gave some blunt critiques of what Anthony Bourdain has said is "one of the best restaurants in the world." We would probably prefer to read Lyla's reviews over other food critics' any day (sorry, Pete Wells).

Some of Lyla's critical highlights included her opinion of the summer green melon soup, which tasted to her like "a Tinkerbell popsicle." There were several dishes that Lyla simply would not try, like the caviar, but she kept drinking glasses of the house ginger ale (and subsequently took a trip to "one of the most elegant bathrooms I've ever seen!"), and during the charcuterie course, complete with fancy French Laundry bacon, she kept requesting "more bread!" The butter was not Lyla's favorite part because, "it looks like the house that bees live in, and I hate bees!" Who can argue with that logic?

Surprisingly, Lyla's favorite dishes beyond bread and soda were the black truffles, which were declared to be "black diamonds." "Next time," she asked, "can we have pink diamonds?" Get on that, Thomas Keller.