Study Shows Red Wine May Combat Infertility

A new study in Poland from Journal Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism found that resveratrol, a compound in red wine, may combat infertility in women.

The study involved women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition that can cause infertility. PCOS involves the overproduction of testosterone and other excess hormones that can cause irregular menstrual periods and excess hair in addition to infertility. The group that received the resveratrol supplement saw a 23.1 percent decrease in testosterone levels; whereas the placebo group saw a 2.9 percent increase.

Dr. Atoni Duleba of the University of California, the study's senior editor, told Beverage Daily the study was the first clinical trial to link resveratrol to lower levels of testosterone in women with PCOS.

As if you needed any more reasons to pour yourself a glass of red wine, the antioxidant resveratrol also has anti-inflammatory properties and may even reduce the chances of metabolism issues in women, the study suggests.