Denny's Ordered To Pay 500K Settlement In Coffee Spill Suit

A Buffalo federal court has ordered the owners of a local Denny's restaurant to pay a $500,000 minimum settlement in a lawsuit filed by the family of Tatyana Adames, who was 14 months old when she pulled a hot cup of coffee toward herself and spilled it on her lap, resulting in first- and second-degree burns "all over her neck, chest, and abdomen," reports The Buffalo News.

The injuries required Tatyana to be hospitalized for several weeks in Erie, Penn., far away from the family's home in Puerto Rico.

The family reportedly provided evidence that Tatyana, now five, will require lifetime medical at an estimated cost over $340,000.

Though Adames' parents filed the lawsuit after the incident in 2010, the case only went to trial in September.

Midway through the trial, the insurance provider for the now-closed Denny's location offered to settle for $500,000.The final settlement remains confidential, but the sum is believed to be near the original settlement.

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Karen Lo is an associate editor at The Daily Meal. Follow her on Twitter @appleplexy.