New Belgian Frites Vending Machine Fries In Beef Fat

Outside a supermarket in Brussels is a Belgian frites vending machine. Fries vending machines are not new— you'll find them across the world from Montreal to Australia— but this machine is the world's first vending machine to use a beef-fat fryer to fry the Belgian frites, according to The Guardian.

The machine was tested in India and in Romania, and still needs to undergo further testing to develop the beef-fat frying method, representative of BreakTime Solutions told La Dernière Heure. But while the machine is undergoing improvements, people are ordering the freshly- fried frites in front of the supermarket. With €2.50 and a 90-second wait, the machine fries the frites with the three-filter beef fat system to lessen the frying smell.

When it comes to frites, condiments are a must: the machine dispenses salt and ketchup, harissa mayonnaise, or plain mayonnaise. (The frites also come with a fork.)

BreakTime also plans to launch a deep-fried croquette vending machine, and we think that may just top some of the world's oddest vending machines.