12 Most Ridiculous Beer Names

The craft beer industry is serious about making good beer. But save for that all-important and unwavering goal, it's doubtful that the word "serious" would find its way onto the industry's would-be "About Me" page.

Craft beer is about unbridled experimentation and stand-out-in-the-crowd personality. The suds themselves make that abundantly clear — just consider the creative reimaginings of Belgian-style brews, bold session sippers, and IPAs of all colors and varying degrees of mouth-puckering bitterness stocking today's shelves. And the originality is also apparent in the colorful, clever, and sometimes cartoonish labels that transform your local store's beer aisle into a veritable art gallery.

But perhaps the best display of the industry's sense of humor and edge — or at the very least, the most amusing — can be found in the names some brewers have chosen to give their creations. Ranging from cheeky and borderline inappropriate to clever turns of phrase and just plain ridiculous, these beer names are definitely good for a laugh.