The Most Irritating Customers

Having been in the restaurant business for 20+ years, I felt the need to get a few things off my chest. First and foremost – you are not at home!! Come in in proper attire, not pj's, dirty cut offs, wife beaters that show all your sagging skin and not smelling as if you haven't bathed in the past year. Consider your fellow diners and have a little mercy on them as they eat. Second – take your crying kid outside. This used to be a no brainer but times have changed. I can't count the times a screaming child has ruined everyones dinner. No wonder some establishments are hanging out "NO KIDS  ALLOWED" signs. Its not the kids fault, kids cry, thats what they do. Its there knucklehead parents that sit there trying to ignore the problem that are the real culprits. Third- you can't just try things and then if you don't like it, expect it to be taken off the bill. What do we look like, a yankee pot luck dinner?! We are here to make money, not have you taste test a Grey Goose dirty martini and then say its not what you  expected. Or order a Open face prime rib sandwich and when it arrives with mushrooms (which the menu cleary states it is smothered in) ask for something else! What do you want us to do with it , stick it where the sun does't shine? I mean really! Last, but not least, don't sit for hours holding up a table on a busy night without ordering anything! The waittress will hate you, the owner will hate you, and the people waiting for a table will hate you.