Media Mix: Pizza As Vegetables; Herman Cain's Ice Cream Analogies; And Panda Poo Tea

The Daily Byte brings you the biggest news from the food world.

Herman Cain Talks Manly Pizza and Ice Cream: In a recent interview with GQ, presidential candidate Herman Cain insists that, "A manly man don't want [pizza] piled high with vegetables! He would call that a sissy pizza." He also compares his fellow candidates to ice cream flavors, saying Michele Bachmann is "Tutti-frutti." [GQ]

Does Panda Dung Make Tea Better?: A Chinese wildlife expert plans to create the world's most expensive tea by fermenting it with panda dung. "It has a mature, nutty taste and a very distinctive aroma while it's brewing," he says, adding that the tea could go for $36,000 per pound. [World News]

Food Inspection Grades Aren't Always Accurate: Sources say many grades for New York City restaurants are getting tossed out after inspectors mix up paperwork, sometimes writing down a wrong address. [AM New York]

Could Pizza Count as a Vegetable?: New nutrition standards proposed by the USDA say a 1/2 cup of tomato paste is required on the pizza in order for it to be considered a vegetable serving. But lobbyists claims two tablespoons will suffice, and lawmakers may agree. [NPR]

The Daily Byte is a regular column dedicated to covering interesting food news and trends across the country. Click here for previous columns.