Making Bread At Home Can Be Simple

Bread baking. You could simply mix a ball of dough and throw it in a bread maker but that doesn't give your bread shape and character.

Lionel Vatinet, owner of La Farm Bakery in Cary, N.C. and author of A Passion For Bread: Lessons From a Master Baker, shows you how to make your own bread with four simple ingredients. All it takes is flour, salt, yeast, and water. In the video above, learn how to make your own rolls as well as longer shapes. 

Vatinet is the founding instructor of the San Francisco Baking Institute,  the first school of its kind to open in the United States. In his book, Vatinet shares seven tips to successful bread making as well as personal stories. The baker aims to teach both the art and science of artisan bread making. 

If you are attending the Asheville Artisan Bread Bakers Festival this weekend, you can take classes with Lionel much like Eva (@EvaZaccaria) did. He will be teaching classes along with fellow bakers Peter Reinhart, Dominique Homo, and Harry Peemoeller.