The Luxury Summit Pilgrimage: A Retro-And Prospective Look At The American Express Publishing Luxury Summit

The American Express Publishing Luxury Summit has been in existence for 12 years. It is usually held in the spring, with a multitude of diverse speakers, exceptionally well known in their respective fields, most having to do with luxury. Though conferences on luxury, affluence and the high-net-worth populations have been created since this one originated, the AMEX Publishing Luxury Summit was the one that first dealt with socio-economic, cultural, behavioral, retail, sales and marketing, publishing issues and substantive research. These dimensions were and are presented in conversational interviews, single presentations, panel forums and research discussions. For those of us in the field, the Luxury Summit is a yearly pilgrimage, an anticipatory travel obligation to better understand the visions, ideas, strategies, processes, successes, challenges and operations of many successful individuals on all luxury levels. 
