Commercial Food Icons On Twitter

You've been regaled by the most followed food critics on Twitter, noted with interest the Twittersphere's most-followed chefs, and intrigued by the antics of food personality mash-up Ruth Bourdain. But food personality as constant commentator doesn't stop with official, or satirical Twitter accounts. Advertisers and companies' classic food characters have also gotten into the act. That's right, the Jolly Green Giant is on Twitter. So is the Chicken of the Sea mermaid, and the Trix rabbit.

Some have multiple accounts and say things that make you doubt their official nature (would the real Trix rabbit truly be tweeting about Captain Kirk's extracurricular exploits?) Others are no doubt real, if shameful and often banal marketing ploys. But there are more of your favorite commercial food icons out there than you would have thought. Who? Find out below.

Click here for Food Icons on Twitter Slideshow.