Bridal Shower Disaster Survival Guide (Slideshow)

Q: You got the bride a naughty gift, and it is AWKWARD. What do you do?

A: Laugh and move on to the next gift!

A Bad Time

Q: The bride doesn't seem to be having a good time, what do you do?

A: Some people like being the center of attention, while others don't. If your guest of honor is the former, start a game or the gift opening so that she feels more in the spotlight. If she's the latter, start the meal or take a short break from the gift opening to allow her to loosen up a bit and feel less on display. Whatever you do though, don't go up to her and ask, "Why aren't you having a good time?" There may be other issues you can't control going on here.

In-Laws Feuding

Q: The future in-laws are feuding and causing a scene. What do you do?

A: Start a new activity — a game or the gift-opening — and direct the attention elsewhere. If things worsen, see if a relative who is close to both parties (not the bride, though!) can help defuse the situation calmly and quietly.

Forgotten Gift List

Q: You forgot to assign someone to gift-list duty. What do you do?

A: If there's still time, assign someone to this role — stat. If all the gifts have been opened already, gather some of the bridal party members and see if you can put together a list based on what you remember (and hopefully you kept the cards with their respective gifts). If all else fails, most online wedding registries allow the couple to see who purchased what so the bride will likely be able to backtrack.

Out of Food

Q: You ran out of food. What do you do?

A: Raid the host's pantry (get permission first) or have a fellow wedding party member run to the nearest store. If the guest of honor's significant other is making a "surprise" appearance, have him/her pick up food on the way.

Tipsy Guests

Q: You have a guest who drank too much. What do you do?

A: Once again, direct the attention elsewhere and make sure this guest has plenty to eat to help soak up the alcohol. The most important thing is to make sure that the person has a sober designated driver to get home — under no circumstances should you allow them to drive.

A Kid Crisis

Q: You have a ton of kids at the party, but you forgot to give them something to do. What do you do?

A: Create a quick "I Spy" game for the youngest guests. Write out a list of things for the kids to find throughout the party — a floral tea cup, a person wearing a hat, a gift wrapped in blue. The first person to find all of the required items wins a prize. And worst case scenario — hand them a phone or iPad with some YouTube videos.

A Ruined Surprise

Q: Someone blew the surprise. What do you do?

A: Not all bridal showers are surprises, so don't treat this like a major disaster. If the guest of honor already knows the major details of the event, why not come up with some little surprises to throw her way throughout the day? Try the "Newlywed Game" with a surprise twist — her significant other recording his/her answers via video to share with everyone at the party.