8 Memorable Food Scenes From Peanuts (Slideshow)

Making Thanksgiving Dinner

We wish our Thanksgiving could be as stress-free as Snoopy's. Butter a little toast, pop a little popcorn, and violà! You have a Thanksgiving feast fine enough for the Peanuts gang. Heck, even setting the table is a breeze with Snoopy dolling out dishes and folded napkins as fast as lightening. 

Kite-Eating Tree

Poor Charlie Brown, the kid can't catch a break — even the trees are against him. Charlie Brown loves to fly kites, but the Kite-Eating Tree, a sinister fiend, swallows up all of his best kites! 

Trick or Treat

There is nothing worse than a lame trick-or-treat score. When Charlie brown goes around with friends in It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown all of the kids get candies, chocolate, and cookies but sad old Chuck only gets rocks as his treat! 

Breakfast with Charlie

In the episode "You're Not Elected Charlie Brown," Charlie and his sister Sally chat at the breakfast table about why it is important to eat a nutritious breakfast while they munch on cereal. In the meantime, a sleepy Snoopy makes his way to the kitchen and pulls together a homemade breakfast feast of eggs, pancakes, and toast. Even though the talented beagle doesn't share his morning meal, he does make the kids a great lunch to take to school!

Lunch Time

Charlie Brown sits down at lunch time by himself with a peanut butter sandwich and goes on a rather depressing tirade about his young life. The poor kid only wants the cute little red-headed girl to notice him and instead of mustering the courage to sit down with her and chat, the sad sap ends up with a paper bag over his head!

Easter Egg Disaster

Was there every a duo like Marcie and Peppermint Patty? When the two of them get together, poor Marcie is always at the mercy of her friend "sir." When they two try to dye Easter eggs together, Marcie has the total wrong idea and tries to fry, roast, toast, and even "waffle the eggs." After Peppermint Patty shows her how to boil and paint Easter eggs properly, when it comes time to eat them, Marcie can't even get that right!

Left at the Altar

When Snoopy falls in love with a French poodle, it is love at first bark. But when she leaves the little pup at the altar, all the sad sap can do is eat the feast the gang made for him — including a lovely pink frosted wedding cake!

Funny Endorsements

Though technically not a food moment on the show, we had to include the Charlie Brown Cheerios commercial. After all, how could the gang get into proper trouble without a filling breakfast to start with? Or what about the famous "Zinger Zapper" who steals the gang's delicious treats?