7 Celebrities With The Best-Ever Food Names

Some of our favorite non-foodie celebrities have the tastiest, sweetest, food-centric names, which we totally wish belonged to us. Here are our seven favorites:

Apple Paltrow

Of course, Gwyneth Paltrow named her first daughter after a fruit. She still has time to break out into the food industry with this name!

Darryl Strawberry

Former baseball player Darryl Strawberry was considered one of the most powerful sluggers in the game, which seems to go against his adorable, sweet, fruity name.

Fiona Apple

Singer-songwriter Fiona Apple McAfee-Maggart is — you'll be pleased to know — a vegan, so we're sure apples feature highly in her diet.

Halle Berry

The former model and actress has a food name we're totally jealous of: We'd love to be named after our favorite fruits.

John Candy

Comedian and actor John Candy was regularly featured in tabloid newspapers as a result of his love of junk food, and — yes, you guessed it — candy.

Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates has published more than 40 novels so far in her career: We really hope that she starts her day with a bowl of oats to give her enough energy to write so prolifically.

Kevin Bacon

This actor's popularity satisfyingly matches our love of bacon.