7 Drinks That Help Relieve Nausea (Slideshow

One of the most reliable ways to relieve nausea is by slowly sipping a glass of ice water.

Ginger Ale and Ginger Tea

Ginger is commonly recommended for soothing nausea because it contains substances called gingerols and shogaols, which help relieve inflammation and digestive discomforts such as gas and an upset stomach. Ginger also provides a soothing sensation in the stomach.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint is another herb that that is soothing to the stomach and is said to relieve nausea almost instantly.

Herbal Teas

Other herbal teas in addition to ginger and peppermint can also help relieve nausea. Some that are recommended include slippery elm, red raspberry, feverfew, barberry, catnip, alfalfa, chamomile, mint, or licorice. 

Lemon Juice and Lemonade

Lemon juice and lemonade are good remedies for nausea because lemons contain neutralizing acids, which form bicarbonates, compounds that help relieve nausea. The juice from the lemon also stirs up the saliva in your mouth, also helping to relieve nausea.

Baking Soda

As strange as it may sound, drinking baking soda dissolved in water is one way to cure nausea, but if you have medical issues, you should check with a doctor before using this remedy. It's recommended to mix half a teaspoon of baking soda into a 4-ounce glass of water. 


While drinking soda can be soothing to the stomach for some, its carbonation can be irritating for others.