Digital Assets For Sale: Top Level Domain Names Go To Auction

A bevy of generic domain names will go to the highest bidders at the first auction of its kind to be presented by a high-end auctioneer November 21 in New York City. One- and two-word domain names that succinctly describe specific objects and services will be sold at Heritage Auction's debut Domain Name & Intellectual Property Signature Auction., which is owned by author Marc Ostrofsky, is expected to be the most expensive digital asset to sell at the event — its pre-auction estimated selling price is more than $1 million. Mr. Ostrofsky is the author of Get Rich Click!: The Ultimate Guide to Making Money Online. The book was a bestseller on the New York Times list, a number-one seller on the USA Today list, the Wall Street Journal best-selling business books list,, and various others. 

"Millions of dollars of domain names are traded every single month that the public isn't aware of," said Aron Meystedt, founder and director of the domain names and intellectual property category for Heritage. "Now, for the first time, the broader public is going to have the opportunity to experience the market firsthand. Digital assets offer a global opportunity unlike any other to the right buyer or business; they offer a different kind of asset and a different way to think about collecting overall."