The Daily Meal Editors' New Year's Resolutions

A new diet, working out, less booze — these are all common resolutions that people aim to stick to when starting a new year. No matter what the theme, whenever that clock strikes midnight on the first of January, everyone (well, mostly everyone) resolves to do something good for themselves in the upcoming 365 days of the year, whether it's doing something to improve their lives or getting rid of something that doesn't.

Read More: The Daily Meal Editors' New Year's Resolutions Slideshow

No surprise here: The Daily Meal editors have many goals for 2013, and lots of them have to do with food. Despite our collection of culinary savvy, which we share with you here on a daily basis, we're constantly looking to improve ourselves in the world of food in and outside of the kitchen, and there's no better time to do so then at the start of the new year.

For some editors, their resolutions are to start cooking with certain foods more, and for others, they're aiming to start cooking with certain foods less. A lot of editors have a bucket list of dining spots to hit before the year's done, and others resolve to host more dinners in their own homes. From baking and cooking gadgets to New York's brisket circuit, our resolutions span the culinary world and provide lots of inspiration for you, too.

Some people have more than one resolution to undertake; others keep it simple with one concrete goal. No matter how many resolutions we have or what they are, everyone at The Daily Meal is looking to be a better person in the world of food. How will you be one?   

Anne Dolce is the Cook Editor at The Daily Meal. Follow her on Twitter @anniecdolce