A Tour Of The Chef's Garden With Farmer Lee Jones Slideshow

The Chef's Garden has produced a hospitable honeybee habitat on the farm by selecting specific cover crops that provide bees with varied, nutritional sources of nectar throughout the pollination season. Companies and individuals can sponsor a hive to help "bee sustainable" and combat colony collapse disorder.


Farmers rarely throw things away, but you may be surprised to find that much of the old agricultural equipment on the farm still in use. It is lighter and in many cases more precise for growing smaller plots of artisanal vegetables.


Micro greens and micro herbs are grown year round in greenhouses. Chefs can purchase the same green or veggie in up to eight different stages of growth.


Chefs enjoy an abundant supply of field-grown flowering herbs throughout the summer season. Not only are they exceptional for seasoning, these beauties provide a built-in garnish!


Using older equipment on the farm reinforces The Chef's Garden's philosophy of "growing vegetables slowly and gently in full accord with nature." This practice also includes planting cover crops and using crop-specific plant compost to naturally replenish nutrients in the soil.